
Acura x Ludacris

A documentary for Acura featuring the restoration of Ludacris' 1993 Legend.


Acura X Ludacris

Legends Never Die

A documentary for Acura featuring the restoration of Ludacris' 1993 Legend.

“Acura just restored an influential piece of hip-hop history.”
— Mashable


Ludacris bought his 1993 Acura Legend in the mid-1990s while working at a radio station in Atlanta, and drove regularly until was totaled in an accident in 2015 (Luda was not at fault).

After hearing the news, Acura offered to restore it for him. 



Legends Never Die

A documentary on the restoration of Ludacris' 1993 Legend.

“I always felt this car matched my personality.”
— Ludacris

The Team

Client - Acura

Agency - Razorfish
GCD - Mike Frank
CD - Kate Foley
AD/CW - Chris Kitahara & Newton Stern
Photographer - Tommy Lim

Production - Acres New York

Talent - Ludacris, John Ikeda, Dave Merek